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7 Dicembre – La Casa di Babbo Natale

7 December – The Santa's House

Santa Claus will be moving for a day at the Refuge Schioppo where children can hand him their letters and spend a day with him. During the day the children will participate in creative workshops where together with Santa's Elves realize Christmas decorations from natural materials and recycling. There will be a food court where you can taste the polenta with pork sausages, mulled wine, herbal teas, hot chocolate and sweets of the Christmas period.

Hours 11,00 Opening the "Laboratory of the Elves" and the refreshment of Refuge The Schioppo
Hours 12,00 Arrival of Santa Claus and lunch with typical winter
Hours 17,00 Closure of laboratories and departure of Santa Claus

The cost per child is € 5,00 and includes a hot chocolate with cookies, laboratory activities and everything you need to send the letter to the magical trunk of Santa Claus.
For info 0863.978809 –
